Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Cannery at H.S. to be Continued

Santa Paula Chronicle

Wednesday, September 13, 1944

Below is an interesting article from the Santa Paula Chronicle discussing a public cannery below the football bleachers. This was towards the end of World War II, and I suspect that the cannery was associated with war shortages.

A number of items, including carrots, are to be canned at the Santa Paula high school community cannery this Thursday, Sept. 14th, Gordon Woods, in charge of the cannery, has reported. Next week, and all subsequent weeks, canning will be done on Fridays, unless a football game is scheduled for the same day, making the plant, which is under the bleachers on the athletic field, inaccessible.

This Thursday's canning is scheduled for 1 p.m., Woods announced. Any Santa Paulan who has had the necessary pre-instruction in canning may avail himself of the opportunity by getting in touch with the high school.

A considerable amount of food was preserved by the canning method during the summer, Woods said, though not quite as many people as had been expected made use of the community cannery.

Use of the plant is free to all members of the community upon the completion of a four-hour pre-instruction course dealing with methods of canning, health department regulations and rules for avoiding food-poisoning. The only fee is the small service change of 7 cents for each can, which includes the price of the can itself, which is provided by the cannery.

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