Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Academy Corner-Stone Exercises

The following article from the Santa Paula Chronicle reviews the cornerstone ceremony for the Santa Paula Academy. It's a bit wordy, and appears that the writer didn't want to leave out any of the participants' names. I'm curious as to what happened to the Cornerstone and its contents when the new school was built in the early 20th century.

Santa Paula Chronicle

Friday, April 29, 1889

The exercises began promptly at 1:30 o'clock in the Presbyterian church, prayer by Rev. Mr. A.G. Daniels. The choir, composed of some eight ladies and five gentlemen, then favored the audience with some music, after which the Hon. Nathan W. Blanchard, President of the Board of Trustees, gave a short description of the start of the Academy from its inception up to the present time. After him, came the report of the secretary Mr. C.H. McKevett, of the condition of the academy at this date as follows.

Original subscription, $12,050
Additional subscription for purchase of grounds, $3,750

Academy Grounds $4750.00
Academy building contract price, $9048.50
Commission of Architect, $316.70
Heating and ventilating contract, $450.00
Seating and furnishing (estimated) $1200.00
Approximate cost of outfit, $15,765.20

The principal address was made by Rev. Mr. Murphy, the Principal of the school. This was a scholarly, able effort and was very well received by the audience. He spoke of the effect of the school in the republic, and dwelt more on the practical than on the theoretical side of the teaching of to-day. He referred to the fact that the Dominie and the Squire, are no longer considered the reservoirs of all law and gospel, but that other men, although occupying inferior positions in life, are very frequently their equals in learning, and are ready to scrutinize their decisions as the sayings of fallible men. In other words, power of place has yielded to power of brain. Said he, woman's spheres, labor and capital, penal codes, monopolies, all these as patent facts and things, demand and should receive the attention and effort of the Christian and scholar. How to care for the pauper class, is a problem of human society that has not yet solved; what shall be the adjustment of money and work, is to-day a greater question than all transcendental philosophy, and these are the questions in which the combined efforts and thought, of the wisely religious is most needed. Goodness, without intelligence will not tell us what we may do in the way of sumptuary legislation. Much more we would like to quote from this admirable address, but want of space forbids, it was replete with bright thoughts and practical suggestions.

At the close of Mr. Murphy's address, Rev. Mr. Andrews was called upon as was also Dr. Bowers and Superintendent Meredith, of our county, each of these gentlemen made some excellent and appropriate remarks as did also professor Woolsey, of the Ojai, who is the professor of international law in Yale College and one of the Trustees of the Academy, Miss Moore, who is lecturing in the state for the W.C.T.U. was in the room and was called upon and responded with some excellent thoughts; the insights which struck us, as so extremely apt and appropriate to the occasion that through the courtesy of Mr. Carney who took them down, we will publish in full next week This closed the exercises in the church and everybody repaired to the Academy grounds to see the corner-stone laid. There were a great many people present, and many of them walked out to the grounds. Arrived there, Rev. Mr. Healy was called upon by President Blanchard to make a scripture reading and offer prayer. Mr. McKevett then read the following list of papers and things which were placed in the tin box, sealed up and deposited in the corner-stone; One copy of the Bible, one copy each, of the Christian Advocate, Ojai Valley View, San Francisco Chronicle, Examiner, Bulletin, Pacific and Occident. The Los Angeles Times and Express. The Ventura Democrat, Free Press and Vidette. Gospel Banner. The first number of the Santa Paula Graphic, with a copy each of the Golden State and CHRONICLE. The articles of incorporation of the Academy, together will all papers connected with it, including the invitations to these exercises. The mining laws of this district with an original poem by Dr. S.P. Guiberson, a list of the state and county officials, map of Simi Rancho. Copy of the school laws of the state and lastly, a sample of water-white, illuminating oil, manufactured in Santa Paula by the Mission Transfer Co., April 1889. It will readily be seen from the above list that should the stone be broken and these things brought to light a thousand or so years hence, the beings who discover them will be able to gather considerable information from the contents, if able to make them out. The stone was then placed in position by the workmen under the guidance of Mr. E.M. Reese, the contractor. Re. Mr. Bristol then made a short address with special reference to the placing of the stone in its position, this was beautiful and grandly eloquent, although being delivered in the open air, but few of the large audience present could hear him fully. The principal though being that the boys and girls who would attend this new institution of learning would lay a strong and sure foundation of knowledge within its walls, even more strong and sure than the stone which has just been laid with such impressive ceremonies. Short addresses were made by Rev. Mr. Coutts, Mr. W.L Hardison, Dr Curran, G.C. Power and G.B. Alvord. Mr. Brunell pronounced the benediction and the exercises closed.

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